What is Appium: Why Choose It?

To begin with, Appium serves as an open-source automation mobile testing tool. Its purpose is to test various applications across different platforms. In addition, this tool allows the automation of both native and hybrid mobile apps. It offers cross-platform compatibility and enables tests to be effortlessly executed on multiple platforms simultaneously.

Why Choose Appium?

Appium is a language agnostic that supports a web driver application program interface. This interface enables the execution of cross-platform tests and ensures efficient, accurate, fast, and bug-free applications. As a result, Appium helps save both time and cost for projects. Appium Online Training will help you learn more about the benefits of this tool. Choosing Appium brings numerous benefits which are as follows:

·         Usage of the standard API in all the platforms- In all platforms, it is preferable to utilize the standard API instead of modifying your code. Making changes, especially to accommodate test tools in your system, can be undesirable. Appium comes as a fitting solution in this scenario as it employs its own standard API and can be customized according to your convenience.

·         The flexibility of the cross-platform test- The flexibility of cross-platform testing is crucial when considering the diverse mobile operating systems used by individuals worldwide. Imagine being in a room with five people, each using a different mobile OS. Now, expand that scenario to testing a mobile application meant for global users. It becomes evident that software testers must ensure their tests cover various platforms. When it comes to mobile automation, having a reliable test tool that effortlessly handles the task is incredibly valuable. One such tool is Appium, which can be easily installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Moreover, Appium is capable of testing applications developed for both iOS and Android platforms.

·         Freedom to use the test framework- After Appium was introduced to the market, it revolutionized the way test cases were written for iOS and Android. Previously, test cases for iOS relied on JavaScript and Apple's UI Automation library, while Android required Java and Google's UI Automator. However, Appium changed all that. It provides the freedom to choose the framework you prefer when implementing your project.

·         Supports multiple languages- Appium supports multiple programming languages. This provides users with an added advantage ove­r other existing testing tool.

·         Advanced features like integration with CI tools- As they proceed with the design of their testing framework, integrating CI tools and enabling multidevice execution becomes a pressing need. Appium offers the capability to seamlessly integrate with these requirements. Moreover, Appium can also be synchronized with the TestNG testing framework, further enhancing the overall testing process.

Competitors of Appium

Appium is a highly in-demand tool with various significant features. It does not require application source code or a library. In addition, it provides a strong and active community. Appium offers multi-platform support and is capable of running the same test cases on multiple platforms. In addition, it allows the parallel execution of test scripts. Many institutes provide Appium Training in Noida and enrolling in them will help you learn this tool. However, some of the contenders of Appium are Ranorex, Robotium, SeeTest, Test Complete, and Jamo Solutions.

Appium vs. Robotium

Appium is a versatile tool that allows developers to write and execute scripts on both iOS and Android platforms. In contrast, Robotium specifically caters to the Android platform.

Appium is a versatile tool that supports multiple programming languages including JAVA, C#, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and more. In contrast, Robotium only supports JAVA.

Appium supports mobile web, native, and hybrid mobile applications. However, Robotium specifically caters to native and hybrid mobile applications for Android devices.

Appium vs. Selendroid

Appium supports all Android API levels, but there is one limitation. When running tests on API versions 17 and above, it utilizes UI Automator. However, for older API versions, the tests need to be run using Selendroid.

Selendroid and Appium are both test automation frameworks used for different purposes. Selendroid specifically focuses on automating Android apps, while Appium is an open-source tool that can be utilized for automating apps on Android, iOS, and Firefox OS as well.


Appium is a language-agnostic tool that supports a web driver application program interface. It revolutionized the way test cases were written for iOS and Android. It provides the freedom to choose the framework you prefer when implementing your project. This provides users with an added advantage ove­r other existing testing tool. It offers advanced features like integration with CI tools and offers the capability to seamlessly integrate with these requirements.


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